Happiness? It is a blue wave.

Happiness? It is a blue wave.

Water is the essence of life, a key component of our bodies from birth and a catalyst for well-being. Its power goes beyond the physical: proximity to seas, lakes or waterfalls enhances cerebral happiness, evoking ancient harmony. Discover how the element of water affects our mental and physical health, revealing the secrets of deep and lasting well-being.

A recent study published in Environmental Psychology confirms that people are 5.2 percent happier when they are near water, with obvious effects on intellectual performance and concentration as well.
The reason?
Water brings us back to our natural state

Water is the driving force of nature.”
Leonardo da Vinci

Practices that putthermal water at the center of rehabilitative therapies have been known since ancient times, appreciated by physicians and physical therapists alike, and by patients: they stimulate motor recovery, affect muscle strengthening, and enhance self-sufficiency.

They are used in the orthopedic and neurological fields, in the treatment of traumatic injuries post immobilization, as in the post-surgery of the various anatomical districts: shoulder, hip, knee, ankle and spine.
From rheumatology to traumatology, thanks to the results obtained, the water rehabilitation has fully entered the care pathways.

We have our feet firmly planted in the earth, but we are made of water. A percentage that varies with age and gender: our bodies are 87 percent water as soon as we are born, 60 percent as we age. A precious commodity to be safeguarded, a fundamental element for human life and survival, water has many functions; it regulates cell volume and body temperature, allows our bodies to absorb valuable elements such as minerals and vitamins, enables the transport of nutrients to cells and oxygen to the brain. It also promotes the removal of toxins and metabolic waste and is a natural lubricant for joints and muscles. Associated with the unconscious and the womb, its power is also psychological.

“There are scientific reasons why our brains near water are happier: going to the sea, by a lake, hearing the roar of a fountain or a waterfall are good for the mind,” explains Dr. Gianfranco Marchesi, neuropsychiatrist, physiatrist, and member of the Scientific Committee of Terme di Monticelli. “We are born surrounded by amniotic fluid; our brains are composed of water and float in a colorless cerebrospinal fluid. Even in the first weeks of gestation, the embryo continues to have fishy gill slits, and the water in our cells can be compared to that found in the sea. In our evolutionary journey we came out of the water where we were swimming, crawled and then stood. That’s why being close to the water makes us more peaceful.”

The mere sight of water or listening to the sound of waves helps lower cortisol levels while increasing those of serotonin, the neurotransmitter of happiness: “an ancient harmony is awakened in the mind, made up of fluidity and lightness, of constant and majestic movement,” Marchesi continues.
“If the sound, the state of well-being that comes from floating in the sea or a pool is combined with the the properties of thermal waters the effects are even more powerful.
The warm temperature of the water and the minerals present help reduce muscle tension and stress, promoting a feeling of calm and happiness.”

Alsoread .

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LUNEDÌ-VENERDÌ: 8:30 – 16:30
SABATO:  9:00 – 12:00

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Stagione 2025, dal 18 gennaio

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Dal 10 febbraio le cure si effettueranno presso il reparto termale dell’Hotel delle Rose (ingresso da via Montepelato 4) con i seguenti orari:

Lun – ven: 8:00 – 15:00 
Sabato: 8:00 – 12:00
Domenica8:00 – 11:00


Dal 10 febbraio 

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Sabato: dalle 8.00 alle 12.00.
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SATURDAY: 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

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Daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

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Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. / 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.


Monday to Friday: 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Sunday and holidays: 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.


Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to noon.

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