Hot springs and false myths. All the truth about thermal waters.

Hot springs and false myths. All the truth about thermal waters.

With contributions from Dr. Moana Manicone, an expert in thermal medicine, we analyze the healing properties of the sulfurous and bromine and iodine-salt waters of Monticelli Spa. From their efficacy for skin, joints and respiratory tract to their chemical authenticity, we explore how these waters contribute to wellness and health at all ages.

Immersing oneself in the warmth of thermal waters is pure well-being, but enjoying the full benefits of spas-for skin, joints and the respiratory tract-is a matter of chemistry.
What enriches their properties, in fact, is the long journey of the water underground, right from the source, which allows the water to absorb the mineral components of the rocks with which it comes into contact.
In Italy, thanks to the particular hydro-geological conformation, in many regions there is an ancient tradition related to thermal waters that flow from the various natural springs.
These waters boast beneficial, healing and aesthetic properties already known to the Romans.
In nature there are different types of thermal waters, which differ according to their composition, temperature and beneficial properties.
Those of Terme di Monticelli, sulfurous and salsobromoiodic, have many properties.

They can be used:
> in the solid state, in the form of sludge applied at a temperature of 45°C
> in the liquid state for balneotherapy and hydropinic treatments
> in the gaseous or vapor state, for inhalation treatments

Synonymous with the well-being of the respiratory system, they stimulate the entire immune system, help the body eliminate toxins and waste, and have an antalgic action on inflammation.
They act on venous microcirculation and stimulate peripheral cellular metabolism, activating circulation in fatty areas and where there is fluid stagnation.
Not only that, they make the skin brighter and more elastic, act on the nervous systems, instilling calm, and predispose the body to regular sleep.
Values and benefits now known, but not without false myths to dispel, clichés, stereotypical beliefs that should be eradicated.
Let’s analyze them together with Dr. Moana Manicone, an expert in spa medicine.

Color and smell.

Forget blue-colored thermal pools and Caribbean transparency: mineral-rich thermal pools have a changing color depending on their composition.
The salsobromoiodic ones, of marine origin, with a concentration of salts three times higher than seawater, are extracted from the bowels of the earth, at a temperature of about 10°C at the source and have a characteristic rust color due to the presence of iron.
Sulfurous ones, on the other hand, with a temperature of about 11°C at the source, have a milky color and the smell of rotten egg due to the presence of sulfate ion.


As waters rich in salt and iron (particularly bromine-bromine-iodine water), they are very good for the body but are aggressive on metals and porous surfaces, such as silver and copper: jewelry and costume jewelry may darken precisely because of the action of hydrogen sulfide.
For the same reason, metal furnishings found in spas can oxidize easily.

Water temperature.

All pools at the Monticelli Spa have salsobromoiodine thermal water, which is heated to reach a temperature ranging from 30°C to 34°C.
However, the heating process should keep the healing properties intact and at the same time make these waters ideal for physical activity such as swimming, hydrobiking and water aerobics as well as allowing several dives throughout the day without stressing the body.
The results are obvious: they relax muscles, improve breathing, loosen joints and thanks to the natural peeling action with exfoliating, cleansing and moisturizing properties make the skin firmer and brighter.

Thermal waters and disinfection.

The chemical and physical characteristics of thermal waters cannot be altered at all by law and are periodically subjected to quality controls, the analyses of which are carried out in certified laboratories.
Disinfection of thermal waters used for immersion, tubs and pools is carried out with specific instruments capable of not altering their chemical composition.

Spa cures for all ages.

Not just for the elderly: one myth to dismantle is definitely the association of spa treatment and old age.
As research has shown, thermal waters have useful and necessary therapeutic effects at all times of life.
They are recommended for the treatment and prevention of infectious and allergic respiratory diseases in adults and children, as well as all chronic inflammatory processes involving joints, muscles, circulatory and lymphatic systems.


A place for healing, personal hygiene and socializing, spas have always regenerated the body as well as the spirit, combining the curative dimension with the social and cultural.
A pleasant and intimate place in which to relax and converse, to make and agreements and alliances: a true multifunctional recreational center
The Monticelli spas, known throughout Italy, and surrounded by cities of art such as Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia, have been welcoming their guests for a century for moments of exchange and well-being in the elegant Art Nouveau building and in the new facilities.
Embraced by a large park with centuries-old trees, they are among the busiest in Emilia Romagna.

Alsoread .

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LUNEDÌ-VENERDÌ: 8:30 – 16:30
SABATO:  9:00 – 12:00

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Le piscine sono aperte tutti i giorni con orari alternati, mattino-pomeriggio.

Consulta gli orari completi per maggiori informazioni. 


In questo periodo le cure si effettuano presso il reparto termale dell’Hotel delle Rose (ingresso da via Montepelato 4) con i seguenti orari:


Lun – ven: 7:30 – 17:00 
Sabato: 7:30 – 12:00
Domenica: 8:00 – 11:00



Lun – sab: 7:30 – 12:00 



Dal 10 febbraio 

Da lunedì a venerdì: dalle 8.00 alle 15.00.
Sabato: dalle 8.00 alle 12.00.
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MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.

SATURDAY: 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

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Daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Some pools are open with alternating hours (morning-afternoon).
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Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. / 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.


Monday to Friday: 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Sunday and holidays: 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.


Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to noon.

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