Mud therapy: the beneficial effects on our body.

Mud therapy: the beneficial effects on our body.

Discover the benefits of thermal mud therapy-a natural mineral-rich treatment with anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and relaxing effects. In this article, we talked about it with Dr. Moana Manicone, an expert in thermal hydrology.

Thermal fangobalneotherapy: what it is

Dating back thousands of years, mud therapy is a treatment with diverse applications that is still widely used for healing practices today.
Dr. Moana Manicone, thermal medicine expert at Montecelli Spa, explains it in detail
“Thanks to its natural composition, rich in minerals and trace elements, thermal mud is an important resource for our body with anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and pain-relieving properties.
It also acts on the mental level.
In fact, the constant and physiological heat of the poultice stimulates the skin receptors, generating a feeling of muscle relaxation.”

The composition of thermal mud

Thermal mud is a natural mineral-rich compound consisting of the amalgamation of clay and thermal water.
Before it is used, it is matured in special tanks to allow transmineralization, the process by which thermal water changes the clay and promotes the growth of microorganisms and algae, producers of therapeutic substances.

In practice: the mud treatment

The application of mud

The application of the mud for 15 minutes at a temperature of about 40 °C.
It can be applied to the whole body, or to a specific part of the body, affected by pain.

The thermal water bath

Bathing in thermal water at about 37°C for 15 minutes takes place after the mud has been removed with a shower.
This step improves circulation, promotes muscle relaxation with ananalgesic action.

Sweat reaction and therapeutic massage

It is the body’s reaction to the therapy that occurs during the resting time (about 15 minutes) on a dry, warm bed to accentuate the biological effects of the treatment.
At this stage, the tissues release the heat accumulated with mud and thermal bath.

Therapeutic massage (optional) promotes skin circulation.
It is invigorating, therapeutic and relaxing.

The action of thermal mud on the body

There are many aspects to emphasize when talking about fangobalneotherapy, frompurifying to detoxifying, but also analgesic-anti-inflammatory and anti-stress. It strengthens the immune system and stimulates metabolic processes.

The benefits of mud on the skin

By using thermal mud, it is possible to regenerate the skin, eliminate dead cells and restore radiance and hydration to the skin.
In addition, mud therapy also has a detoxifying action, eliminating excess toxins and combating blemishes such as cellulite, orange peel skin and localized adiposity.

Mud is good for bones and joints

Arthrosis, osteoarthritis, neck pain, tendinitis, low back pain: it is bones, muscles, and joints that benefit most from the anti-inflammatory action of thermal mud.

The antalgic and myorelaxant action of mud.

On an arthritic back, knee or hand it warms like a hot water bottle by performing an antalgic and muscle-relaxing action.
The heat also stimulates neurohormonal activation that releases endorphins in the blood that can relieve pain with a prolonged effect in the weeks following therapy.

How a mud therapy cycle works

It includes 12 applications, generally on a daily basis with a day off every 6 sessions.
They are performed under the supervision of a physician and trained personnel.
It can be done in agreement with the National Health Service by prescription of the general practitioner or a specialist from the ASL.

For more information go to the page on mud therapy spa treatments.

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The naturalness of these therapies makes contraindications limited to special conditions and certainly much less risky than drug therapies. However, it is not recommended for those with cardiovascular problems, venous insufficiency, metabolic diseases, respiratory insufficiency, ongoing infections, neoplasms skin allergies, and during pregnancy.

Alsoread .

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Discover how the Terme di Monticelli spa, set in a centuries-old park and surrounded by the hills of Parma and Reggio Emilia, can offer you a rejuvenating summer vacation. Between beneficial thermal waters, detox treatments and outdoor activities, find the perfect balance for mind and body.

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