Spa and women’s health: all the benefits

Spa and women’s health: all the benefits

The waters of Monticelli Spa have anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and soothing properties and are used every day as a natural therapy to treat or alleviate ailments of various kinds, including gynecological ones. In this article we delve into topics related to spas and women's issues.

Women's health also passes through the spa.

The centuries-old waters of Monticelli Spa have anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and soothing properties and are used daily as a natural therapy to treat or relieve breathing, skin, and movement-related disorders.

Not everyone will know, however, that the synergistic action of Monticelli’s two thermal waters, the first sulfurous and the second salsobromoiodic, also plays an important role in gynecological affections, with a positive effect on the urogenital system.

Waters in which to soak and breathe, a source of health and well-being, without any contraindications and with long-lasting effects.

But why are they so good for you?
Mostly because of the elements dissolved in the waters. Rich in bromine, iodine, sulfates and more, they are a natural treasure.
Their effectiveness in women’s health has included them in the most widely practiced health and wellness pathways.
Here are the best ones and when to do them according to age as well.

Women and hot springs: benefits at every age.

of menstrual pain to disorders caused by menopause, from venous circulation to cellulite.
Thanks to their properties, they provide anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action useful at every stage of life.
So how do thermal waters act?
And how to make the most of them?

Spa and menstrual pain

The days before the arrival of menstrual flow and those immediately following can be really difficult for many women.
To the point of limiting their social and working lives.
In many cases, managing these transient states is not easy.

Irritability, fatigue, mood swings, back and headaches affect emotionality.
In this regard, balneotherapy and pelvic mud therapy come to the rescue.
They help relax muscles, calming cramps and spasms, and promoting hormonal rebalancing.

Balneotherapy, in fact, stimulates hormones that affect the functioning of the ovaries, sometimes solving problems of menstrual irregularity.
It also serves to regularize the production of serotonin and dopamine, which stimulates a sense of well-being and optimizes sleep-wake rhythm, improving mood.
Not least, it lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Spas and pregnancy: what are the safe routes?

During pregnancy, balneotherapy is useful for hydrating the body, relaxing uterine muscles, as well as for its antiseptic action.

The vascular path, on the other hand, is safe and effective for relieving the feeling of heavy, swollen legs.
It involves alternating immersion up to the knee, or slightly above, in tubs with cold and warm water, also perfect for improving blood and lymphatic circulation.

Menopause: help from thermal waters

Menopausal disorders can put a strain on women’s intimate health.
Valuable help comes from thermal watertreatments useful for preventing and treating various genital disorders, such as dryness and cystitis.

Specifically, these are vaginal irrigations, treatments that can be performed by nurse practitioners.
They are often performed in conjunction with pelvic mud applications to enhance their therapeutic action.

But that is not all.
One of the most frequent problems related to menopause is osteoarticular degeneration.
Thermal water balneotherapy promotes the reduction of pain and inflammation, and helps joint motility.

Thermal mud baths are also very useful for osteoporosis and pain caused by arthrosis.
Finally, it goes without saying, but it is good to remember the importance of proper intimate hygiene to ward off infections.
Intimate and soothing cleansers based on Monticelli thermal water, with propolis extract, mallow flowers provide valuable help.
You can buy them in the spa shop.

Spa cures for women: vaginal irrigations. What they are, course of treatment, contraindications.

In gynecology, crenotherapy (the set of practices using thermal media) can be general, in the form of a thermal bath, or local.

Local treatments include, as just mentioned, the following vaginal irrigations and can also be performed in conjunction with pelvic mud applications to enhance the therapeutic action of the waters.

A full course of treatment of vaginal irrigations usually lasts 6 to 12 days, but already with one or two applications the benefits are noticed.
It is usually the gynecologist who, after examination and history, assesses the underlying causes of the disorder.

Performed with sterile disposable cannulas connected to a thermal water irrigator, the irrigations introduce water into the vagina.
They use about 2 liters per session and guarantee good results in a short time.
Each session lasts 15 minutes and a complete cycle includes 12 minutes.
They are recommended in chronic and subacute inflammatory forms of the female genital system.

Suitable for all women of all ages, never or rarely have unwanted effects been encountered following a thermal water treatment.

Female pelvic floor rehabilitation.

The pelvic floor is a set of muscles located in the pelvic cavity, between the bones of the pelvis.
They are referred to as the happiness muscles, which are essential for a woman’s well-being.

It is important to keep the pelvic floor healthy with appropriate rehabilitation intervention.
It involves an initial session with an examination performed by an obstetrician who will assess the extent of the musculature and the type of rehabilitation to be performed with manual techniques or with electrical stimulation and biofeedback techniques.

At BioageMed cutting-edge center within Terme di Monticelli thanks to pelvic floor rehabilitation with the help of specific equipment, urinary incontinence, urinary urgency, prolapses, painful or difficult relationships in menopause and postpartum are treated.

Thermal vascular treatments.

Sometimes it’s family predisposition, sometimes it’s a hormonal disruption, or it may depend on positions held for long periods of the day, climatic factors and obesity: whatever the cause, vascular disorders are also addressed at the spa.

In fact,sulfurous and bromine and iodine-saltthermal water is particularly indicated in the treatment of venous pathologies and is recognized by the National Health Service for its anti-inflammatory action.

Balneotherapy in whirlpool tubs, gymnastics in vascular pathways, personalized physiotherapy, and circulatory reeducation are part of an intensive vascular prevention and treatment program to address disorders such as chronic venous insufficiency, phlebopathy, and circulatory disorders that are responsible for swelling, heaviness, and dilated capillaries in the legs.
Pathologies that particularly affect women.

The thermal vascular pathway

It is one of the most common treatments that is performed in a long, narrow pool consisting of two separate pools called walkways.

One of the walkways has hot thermal water at a temperature of about 35°.
The other, has cold water at about 12°.
The vascular walkways in the thermal pool consist of continuous passage from one pool to the other and help reactivate circulation in the lower limbs, so they are very useful in cases of venous insufficiency, varicose veins and water retention.

Indeed, walking in thermal water at varying temperatures causes a natural alternation between vasoconstriction and vasodilation: it is a kind of vascular “gymnastics” that stimulates blood, venous and lymphatic circulation.
Immersion in water also offers 12 times more resistance than air capable therefore of stimulating the muscles without trauma to the joints.

Thermal mud for glowing, tight skin

Thermal mud treatments are very good for improving skin blemishes, acne, cellulite, stretch marks and even wrinkles.
They help cleanse and detoxify the skin because they absorb toxins and waste, making the skin brighter, more elastic and smoother.

Agreed spa treatment for gynecological or circulatory conditions

The course of spa treatment for intimate disorders and vasculopathies is in agreement with the SSN (National Health Service): all citizens are entitled, as a rule, to one course of spa treatment per year paid for by the National Health Service.

Just show up at the Establishment with a prescription from your primary care physician complete with diagnosis and type of treatment.
Treatment can also be provided privately.

Info and reservations:

0521 682711

Alsoread .

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Orari del centralino: 
LUNEDÌ-VENERDÌ: 8:30 – 16:30
SABATO:  9:00 – 12:00

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Le piscine sono aperte tutti i giorni con orari alternati, mattino-pomeriggio.

Consulta gli orari completi per maggiori informazioni. 


In questo periodo le cure si effettuano presso il reparto termale dell’Hotel delle Rose (ingresso da via Montepelato 4) con i seguenti orari:


Lun – ven: 7:30 – 17:00 
Sabato: 7:30 – 12:00
Domenica: 8:00 – 11:00



Lun – sab: 7:30 – 12:00 



Dal 10 febbraio 

Da lunedì a venerdì: dalle 8.00 alle 15.00.
Sabato: dalle 8.00 alle 12.00.
Domenica: CHIUSO

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MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.

SATURDAY: 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

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Daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Some pools are open with alternating hours (morning-afternoon).
See complete schedules for more information.



Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. / 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.


Monday to Friday: 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Sunday and holidays: 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.


Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to noon.

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